Lymphoedema and Lipoedema Treatments

Clients with primary or secondary lymphoedema or lipoedema can be assesseand treated by our Lymphoedema Nurse Specialist, Nina. She will be able to perform a comprehensive assessment and provide an individualised treatment plan to help you; reduce the swelling, keeping this chronic condition to a minimum and improve your quality of life.

Everyone who lives with either of these chronic conditions is different and their experience of the condition is unique but there are four specific areas of treatment that may be used to create an individual plan for clients with mild tomoderate swelling.

Skin Care - to keep the skin in good condition and reduce the risk of infection (cellulitis)

Exercise – to maximise lymph drainage, keep the body supple and weight within normal limits.

External compression – in the form of elastic compression garments to help prevent the swelling from building up in the limb. They provide resistance against which the muscles can pump and move lymph more effectively. Compression bandages or garments, such as sleeves, gloves, stockings, or tights, fitted over affected limbs act as a counterforce to muscles. This stimulates more effective lymph drainage. The combination of exercise and compression encourages the fluid to move out of the affected limb.

Self-Lymphatic Drainage (SLD) – a gentle massage technique that is based on the principles of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) It involves the use of simple gentle hand movements to try and improve the flow of lymph fluid in the healthy lymph vessels. Once the vessels have cleared, the excess fluid from the swollen area can drain away more easily.

Clients with a more severe swelling, additional treatments may be recommended within a more intensive treatment programme called Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy (DLT). This intensive treatment may last for a period of 2 – 4 weeks and combines a package of treatments. These may include some of the above, plus one or more of the following:

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) – a specialised form of massage allowing Nina to move the skin in specific directions based on the underlying anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system. She is a trained Casley Smith MLD Therapist and registered with MLD UK. The Casley Smith technique is based on the Foldi method and follows theprinciples of re-direction within a compromised lymphatic system which provides more flexibility for treating clients. It provides a systematic approach to the clearance of lymphatic drainage regions, compromising of hand manoeuvres, effleurage strokes and breathing exercises. Delivered in a slow, rhythmical fashion using gentle pressures. MLD can be particularly useful in areas where it is difficult to use compression therapy e.g., Breast or Head and Neck lymphoedema.

Multi-Layer Lymphoedema Bandaging (MLLB) – using the 3M Coban Compression System. This is a two-layer system, providing a rigid casing for the muscles to work against which helps to support normal venous andlymphatic return and reduces the oedema.

Adjustable Velcro Compression Devices

Kinesio Taping - The tape gently lifts the top layer of the skin, allowing the lymph fluid closet to the skin to flow more easily.

Punteha van Terheyden

Journalist, editor and founder of



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